Coastal Engineering

The design, planning and execution of coastal structures requires a thorough understanding of the agents and processes that act in the coastal zone. Lorax has the personnel and technical resources required to realize oceanographic and engineering studies geared towards the construction of coastal structures. Among the principal studies that Lorax carries out to characterize coastal dynamics, ocean current and wave modeling, the evaluation of littoral sediment transport systems, as well as the conceptual and structural design of coastal protection structures stand out.

Lorax has the technology necessary to measure the variables that operate in coastal processes (GPS, echo sounders, sediment samplers, topographic equipment) as well as computational systems orientated towards the processing of oceanographic data, in addition to an array of numerical models for computer simulations of coastal processes, some of which were developed by Lorax Consultores, S.A. de C.V.


Bathymetry is the measurement of marine depths to determine the topography of the ocean bottom. Due to the fact that the ocean bottom is covered by the water column, the difficulties associated with generating bathymetries result from the inability to take direct measurements. As such, indirect measurements are used that combine echo sounding and geopositioning satellites. These indirect measurements are then processed by specialized software to generate relief maps of the ocean floor. Bathymetries are not only essential for navigation, they are also fundamental for modeling coastal dynamics. In particular, the topography of the ocean floor modifies wave direction and height via the phenomenon of refraction. Our company has the specialized equipment and ample experience required to realize coastal bathymetric studies.


Waves are a phenomenon associated with a great quantity of energy that determines the formation of littoral and rip currents and as such constitute one of the principal agents associated with drag currents carrying sediments in the coastal zone.

Likewise, waves are one of the principal forces that coastal structures are exposed to. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the principal characteristics of local waves for an accurate characterization of the processes causing change in the coastal zone, as well as for the establishment of design parameters.

Among the wave studies that Lorax realizes, the acquisition and processing of preliminary data, the determination of wave climatology, the modeling of refraction and diffraction processes, hindcasts and the determination of design wave characteristics stand out. 


Sediment characteristics present on the coasts, such as density, size distributions and mineral composition determine the response that these sediments have with regard to environmental dynamic agents. In addition, it is necessary to understand the distribution and abundance of sediments as well as to identify the local agents that contribute or consume sediments.

In Lorax, we have the in-depth technical experience required to plan, carry out and analyze sediment sample studies necessary for the characterization of coastal environments. The interpretation of results by Lorax consultants ultimately allows us to establish sediment cycles in a given area.

Coastal Processes

The littoral transport of sediments and the processes of erosion and deposition associated with this transport determine changes in the coastline. Understanding these coastal processes is the basis for the planning and design of coastal structures, allowing for the optimization of their functionality while at the same time, foreseeing and mitigating possible secondary effects. Utilizing waves, bathymetry and sediment information as inputs, in addition to other oceanographic parameters, it is possible to model coastal processes and to simulate the evolution of the coastline by means of specialized software programs. In Lorax, we have a wide selection of internationally recognized software programs specialized in the simulation of coastal processes, in addition to software specially designed by Lorax. In this manner, Lorax possesses all the necessary tools to model specific processes in any coastal system.

Design of Coastal Structures

Lorax offers an integral service in the design of coastal structures from determining the best coastal protection strategies to the localization and selection of material banks and the realization of structural engineering. The coastal structure design services offered by Lorax encompass the entire planning and design process:

  • Planning: Project objectives, strategy and structure type selection, design criteria and site selection.
  • Elaboration of Basic Studies: Bathymetry, wave analysis and sedimentology. 
  • Modeling: Numerical and analytical modeling to determine the design criteria. 
  • Engineering: Preparation of the conceptual and structural design, material selection and construction specifications.
  • Materials: Evaluation of sources, quality, cost and specifications of materials and inspection of quarries.